Sunday, February 04, 2007


DINKs -Double Income No Kids- is so passé. My new favorite expression is THINKERs -Two Healthy Incomes No Kids Early Retirement!

I came across this website: dinksfinance. I haven't had time to check it out, but I thought the idea was a super cool one.


Lexy said...

We used to be THINKERs but now we are OINKERs (One Income, Kid, Early Retirement) :)

Ms.Smarties said...

Buah ah ah, that's funny!

Lexy said...

Oops that should be OInKER's

Foxy Renard said...

Hah. Awesome on both accounts.

Ms.Teacher said...

I LOVE that! I will have to use both terms in class to get a laugh!