Saturday, March 18, 2006

Out and About

Today, I did my first real activity since Feb. 25, I went to the mall. It was a small step for mankind, but a giant step for moi. I am still very sore. I walk slowly, sit every two minute, and have very little energy. All in all, it was a big two hour outing.

Last Saturday at this time, my wound opened up. We ended up spending another 12 hours at the emergency. I was so worried that they were going to keep me because I had a small fever. Fever raises red flags. There was also a rust/orangy liquid leaking from the incision. The doc was actually relieved to see that it was leaking because it explained the high white cell count even after 2 weeks of antibiotics. My body was naturally getting rid of the infection. Thanks body for being useful.

A nurse came to see me at home every day to clean it up. It's an amazing service. I had no idea it existed. Next week, she is going to come every second day as it is apparently doing better. I haven't looked at it myself. I rather not see.

I have an appointment with my surgeon next Wednesday to discuss the liquid they found in my back. I am really not up for another surgery right now. I need a medical break.

My husband has been wonderful. Cooking, cleaning, entertaining the cat, and all. I hate not being able to do my share. Arghh. I know I need to rest. I've been eating more meat this past week than in the previous 25 years. I am not a big meat eater, but it's good for building muscles. My next big step will be to sleep on my stomach, heaven.

I can't wait to go back to work. I miss everyone! I am so excited about my next project, I want to start as soon as possible. My manager has agreed to work with me at home a day or two a week. Isn't she wonderful!!! As soon as I get off the meds, I'll start working from home. As entertaining as day time TV is, it's driving me a little bongos. One can take so many cooking shows per day!

1 comment:

Irene said...

Nice to see that you're doing stuff. Get better soon!