Saturday, March 11, 2006

Day 14 Finally home and on the road to recovery

About 2 days ago, the doctors finally switched me to oral antibotics. For the past two days, I have had to take 19 pills per day. It's insane. The doctors wanted to make sure I was at least 36-48 hrs without a fever before they send me home. Despite my psychotic episode last night at the hospital, they did not let me go until this morning.

My CT scan last week revealed some liquid on my right side around the intestine. It could be another abcess. They decided not to drain the liquid because they are not sure if it is infected or not. The procedure, like any other operations, involves risks they don't feel necessary to put me through at this point. I have an appointment regarding this next week.

The doctors are still worried about my high white cell counts. They thought I was going to get better much faster. They can't explain very well how a 26 years old spends 2 weeks at the hopistal. I also have an appoitment with my gynecologist next week.

So I am finally home. It was great to see Kinki who is visibly upset with all the chaos I put him through. Hopefully, I can make up for it in the next little while. I won't return to work for at least a month. I hope I'll be able to work here and there, from home, in 2 or 3 weeks.

1 comment:

doctor T said...

I'm glad to hear you are at home. I hope your convalescence is brief and uneventful!