Sunday, February 12, 2006

Parents and Friendship

I find it hardly possible to have a friendship with most parents, especially mothers. It’s like they pushed their brain with their placenta. They live in a goo goo ga ga bubble. I cannot relate to breastfeeding, co-sleeping, bodily fluids, and potty training. Whatever happened to the other person? The one who used to have intellectually stimulating conversations about politics, travel, and wine?

Another observation on parents and friendship. Parents make friends really quickly through their children. Two soccer moms meet and the next day they are best friend. They really have nothing in common other than their children, but that’s enough. Who needs to talk about anything else, but the kids anyway? It’s weird to me because the fact that someone has a cat won’t make us best friends instantly. I need to have something else in common with this person.

One more, random observation. Not all adults are cute. By that rational, not all babies are cute. Touché.

1 comment:

Foxy Renard said...

God, how I hear you. I am constantly baffled by the whole parenting thing and this is one of the many things that really trouble me. Le sigh.