Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Reproductive Strategy

I am almost 28 years old (November) so it’s time to think seriously about my fertility. Scenario A, the Childfree Scenario, does not require much planning. Scenario B, the One Kid Scenario, requires a little more thinking and tada! This is what I have come up with:

July 2007 (27 yrs old) to July 2013 (33 yrs old): Work Hard, Play Hard

August 2013 (33 yrs old) to February 2014 (34 yrs old): TTC/be pregnant

April 2014 (34 years old) to October 2014 (34 years old): Have baby

I know the stats. It’s a tight schedule. If Scenario B fails, we’ll revert to Scenario A.


Lexy said...

Eeek! Get in lots and lots of fun and time together in the next few years.

Ms.Teacher said...

congrats on the plan!! :)

Raquel said...

34 is a great age to have a baby. :)